P2e demoralize. Worst of two rolls is 50% chance of rolling 5 or less. P2e demoralize

Worst of two rolls is 50% chance of rolling 5 or lessP2e demoralize 0

If I demoralize a few bad guys and raise my shield while singing Defense and hiding behind the party Champion, the bad guys are in a BAD spot if they don. Point-To-Point Encryption (P2PE). With Intimidating Prowess, your enemy will still need to hear you, which means silence effects or deaf enemies will render your Demoralize useless. Your goal is to block 5 hits which negates 40 damage but only hits the shield for less than 32 damage total on all. Source Core Rulebook pg. Compatibility: 10. One of the main strengths of Demoralize is it's very well-supported by skill feats. Source Core Rulebook pg. The incongruency here is more about not overwhelming a new player, so the options provided are only a few words long; the full game's Armour Proficiency feat is fairly complicated in that it assumes an understanding. 0. Permanent reach from 7th level means you can lock down a lot of the field with attack of opportunity and slap away safely against all but the largest foes. Demoralize Opponent. Multiple Attack Penalty. Antagonize Feat 2. Critical Success Your attempt is successful. A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect. If you succeed, they have to target only. 108. Add Print Edition $14. On a success, the wand is broken. Depending on the creature, it can also attempt a demoralize or feint action (look at it’s available skills and abilities it has to see what it might use). At level 9 you have the ability to retag people with demoralize incase they were able to get the fear effect off or resisted it the first time which is particularly useful if your GM likes to use lots of enemies or very high level enemies. Cursed Background. Depending on your build choices, you could also function as a Scout and you can pick up. 3 glyph of warding, safe passage, shifting sand. Your eyes are overstimulated. This has the effect of everyone gaining. Dragon's Blood Pudding (Moderate) +2: 5: Alchemical Tools: Yes — Bangles of Crowns +3: 17: Other Worn Items: No — Dragon's Blood Pudding (Greater) +3: 13: Alchemical Tools: Yes — Dragon's Blood Pudding (Major) +4: 19: Alchemical Tools: Yes — Whenever you attempt an Intimidation check to Demoralize a creature, if your familiar is within 30 feet of your target and can act, it accompanies you with snarls, hisses, or raising its hackles. Many of these outcomes are easy to adjudicate during the game. With a gesture, a trick, or some distracting words, you can create a diversion that draws creatures' attention elsewhere. Activate [two-actions] command, Interact. Charisma represents a character's charm, persuasiveness, and force of personality. Access You're a shadowcaster Size Small Melee [one-action] jaws (), Damage 1d8 piercing Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int-4, Wis +1, Cha +1 Hit Points 4 Skill Intimidation Senses darkvision,. Demoralize helps utilize those floater 1A effectively. Goblin Song is a Performance check, with Versastile Performance Bards can use Performance to Demoralize and the best part: Lingering Composition is a Performance check. Small, Medium, and Large (long) creatures have an inherent reach of 5. Once your first turn begins, you gain your actions and reaction. Society (Int) Source Core Rulebook pg. 32″N 123°22′41. Beyond organizing the push into the Stolen Lands and her desire to foster a new ally to the south, she hopes some day to found additional dueling schools beyond Brevoy's borders where the Aldori style can be taught—a pursuit that not all of her peers equally approve of. If his target is already shaken, the swordlord can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize the target as a swift action after any successful melee attack or combat maneuver. We knock their saves down by an average -1. Source Core Rulebook pg. ItzEazee. Suppressed effects. Juke [reaction] Requirement A creature must be mounted on the goblin dog. It affects ALL. In this mode, time is divided into rounds, each of which is 6 seconds of time in the game world. 0. To flank a foe, you and your ally must be on opposite sides of the creature. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. The hobgoblin general attempts an Intimidate check to Demoralize a single foe within 60 feet as a free action. Ogres are sadists that enjoy remorseless murder, torture, degradation, and mutilation in all of its forms. This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. Threatening Approach [two-actions] You Stride to be adjacent to a foe and Demoralize that foe. If you. 873% chance to succeed on their Fortitude save. Powered by Microsoft. You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. Throwing As Usual. The Athletics Skill represents a character’s ability to perform several physically demanding tasks like Swimming, Climbing, Jumping, and Breaking Objects. Bon Mot decreases will saves. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Strike (Single Action) (attack) Attack with a weapon or unarmed attack. Anything you do in the game has an effect. Disarm [one-action] Attack. Animals and Gear (3). If you have a weakness to a certain type of damage or damage from a certain source, that type of damage is extra effective against you. Roll this after doubling the weapon's damage. Wild shape allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. Then Bleeding Finisher from two spaces away with a whip against AC minus 3 or 4 (Frightened and Flat-Footed stack). You can Demoralize with a mere glare. Improvised Weapons. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon. Attempting to cast this spell targeting a creature that you temporarily seized control of, such as an undead commanded by command undead, automatically fails and breaks the controlling effect. Goblin Song is a helpful way to lower foes’ save DCs, similar to Demoralize. They only have a . I also really like the Antagonize feat. While your character’s ability scores represent their raw talent and potential, skills represent their training and experience at performing certain tasks. By PF2E standards, the ability to get feats without spending feat points is strong. You must spend at least 1 minute of conversation with a creature you can see and that can either see or sense you. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. This weapon has a wooden shaft ending in a large, heavy metal head. 0. 88 2. Basic Actions. Fear character build. Eventually get acrobat gor more free skill bumps. 619 4. If you’re legendary in Intimidation, you can use a reaction to Demoralize your foe when you critically succeed at an attack roll. The Ranger thrives as a Scout and Striker, and can provide some Support capabilities depending on their choice of class feats. Persistent damage is a condition that causes damage to recur beyond the original effect. Spells with a range can affect targets, create areas, or make things appear only within that range. Speed fly 25 feet Melee [one-action] ghostly hand +13 [] (agile, finesse, magical), Damage 2d6+2 negative Frightful Moan [one-action] (auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) The ghost laments its fate, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 21 Will save. casting a spell on an unwilling creature is always hostile; everything else is up to the GM imo. But the Dark Fields Kitsune Heritage can still demoralize in fox form during combat. If you're looking for an Archetype to build into, because Thaum feats generally are worth skipping, look into Marshal. On subsequent rounds, the first time you Sustain this Spell each round. PF2e Dailies, an Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. But Animal Companions (Core Rulebook pg. At 15th level, increase the third skill’s potency bonus to +2 and choose a. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty when you attempt to Demoralize a creature that doesn’t understand your language. Old: A point about Demoralize and Terrifying Howl. , but those are a bit. The Thaumaturge is an exciting, nuanced, and capable martial class capable of stepping into several roles within the party. Greatsword. Version 2. Gunslinger Ways. You can’t act. As a vigilante, you have two faces: a public persona, and a secret identity that lets you hide your extralegal actions from polite society. It quickly loses value if you’re building to attack 3 times per turn. An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Demoralize has its own immunity, as does Scare to Death - since Scare to Death does not reference Demoralize in its text, that tells you that the two features are mechanically distinct from each other. I think that's like causing damage with Prestidigitation; it's beyond the intended power of the spell. 0. 4 ice storm, spike stones, wall of fire. And a Bon Mot is doing something completely different. Sorcerers are very good at intimidation with their naturally high charisma, and many of them can get a +1 status bonus from their blood magic. The Swashbuckler has the ability to serve as a Face and a Striker, but could be turned into a Defender with a few feats. Heal is a versatile and potent healing spell. Try Again: You can attempt to Intimidate an opponent again, but each additional check increases the DC by +5. Nearly half of P2E participants have co-enrolled into the broader workforce and education system. x/Pathfinder 1st edition getting in the way of understanding 2nd edition. Really good guide! I think cavalier rogue is very good with ruffian. Move actions or, in the case of something like a demon or dragon, spellcasting abilities are also good options. Incidentally, this mechanic is also why some people take skilled partner specifically for the double battle medicine (temporarily immune to your battle medicine, but the. Archetype Pirate. Fear character build. 84 2. Battle Cry. Finally, Valet is probably the best ability for an. Bon Mot can be used repeatedly, incentivizes creative insults and, most importantly, rewards you appropriately. Unlike with normal damage, when you are subject to persistent damage, you don't take it right away. 291+ (Verified 10) Installation Link: Manifest URL Update Notes: Read Notes. With a sudden shout, a well-timed taunt, or a cutting putdown, you can shake an enemy's resolve. You can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Fey Summoner: prepare for trouble and make it double. Special: You also gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate. magic HP 185; Resistances electricity 10 ; Weaknesses cold iron 10, good 10 Attack of Opportunity [reaction] If the vrock is flying and a creature triggers an attack of opportunity, the vrock can make 2 Strikes with its talons against that creature instead of 1 Strike. If so, you. As you said, it's a potent support-y option, as well as being decent for making your next turn hit a lot harder. Evilsbane. If your Fighter has a decent Charisma score, he/she can Demoralize, then Intimidating Strike, and the opponent will have a -2 to AC and saves until the end of their turn, when it will drop to -1 to AC and saves. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value. Stride (Single Action) (move) Move up to your Speed. Roll a d20 and identify the modifiers, bonuses, and penalties that apply. So Demoralize to give the enemy a -1 on EVERY CHECK due to being Frightened is REALLY strong, especially if you can Athletics + Assurance on an enemy as a result. 278 4. You take a –4 status penalty to AC, Perception, and Reflex saves, and you have the blinded and flat-footed conditions. This also stacks with flat-footed, as they are two different types of penalties. Action Demoralizing an opponent is a standard action. Regardless of the results of your checks, each creature is then temporarily immune to Terrifying Howl for 1 minute. A collection of animation macros for the PF2e Foundry system. So I was looking into barbarian rage says: You can't use actions with the concentrate trait unless they also have the rage trait. 0. Initiative. I wrote a guide for the Thaumaturge. Core Rulebook pg. Gunslingers are a bold and mysterious lot. This is called a critical specialization effect. Critical Success The target is unaffected. If you use distracting words, it gains the auditory and linguistic traits. First round usually boils down to my Lizardfolk 2 action "Threatening Approach" where are charge at the enemy and demoralize them. To use this reaction, you must first prepare to help, usually by using an action during your turn. 0. Powered by Microsoft. 630. You can Seek while raging. I'll try my best to keep it updated and correct any errors people find and add any suggestions I'm in favor of - I'm sure there will be plenty once more people get real play experience and after errata. Do note, however, that the frightened outcomes from both Scare to Death and Demoralize. Threatening Approach [two-actions] You Stride to be adjacent to a foe and Demoralize that foe. You get three actions in a round. 14 Str, 18 Dex, 12 Con, 10 Int, 10 Wis, 14 Cha gives you bonuses to athletics as well as your social skills with a little bump to constitution so you can tank those AoOs. Fear effects are also mind-affecting, so any creature immune to mind-affecting effects will be immune as well (golems, undead, oozes, etc. Among ranged and thrown weapons, there are 9 1+ hand weapons in the game and 48 1h weapons. This module is discontinued as of Foundry v10 and PF2e 4. Find the level of the subject, and assign the corresponding DC. Attempt a single Deception check and compare it to the Perception DCs of the. Demoralize helps utilize those floater 1A effectively. Payment Processing Solutions Get a custom solution that fills the gaps — from athletic ticketing to the cafeteria and alumni development. For spellcasters there is a ton of trap options, especially at low levels. Other times, the specific effect requires more detailed rules. Intimidating Glare Feat 1. It's bad if you use it for a Strike at -10 MAP. Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2. I personally think an hour is a it much and turned it into a 10 minute immunity, Basically you can use it one on one person. You try to knock something out of a creature’s grasp. 0. Arboreal Sapling. As you said, it's a potent support-y option, as well as being decent for making your next turn hit a lot harder. Sweep. Source Core Rulebook pg. This package includes: A folder to store character sheets, with reference information such as game actions, a summary. Agonizing Rebuke deals mental damage as long as the target is frightened from your Demoralize. If your Strength score is 20 or higher and you are a master in Intimidation, this bonus increases to +2. Step (Single Action) (move) Move 5 feet without triggering reactions. Or charisma should be secondary stat. Playing a half-orc lets you grab. If you don't have anybody to contain the foes, like a Reach fighter with Attack of Opportunity, etc. There's LOTS of way you can make demoralize builds, but my personal favorite is take. Choose two ability boosts. Prerequisites trained in light armor and simple weapons. Good point. The Eidolon allows you to change your role within the party, allowing your dynamic duo to serve as a Defender, Scout, and Striker, while the Summoner can serve as a Face with some light Blaster,. Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind pg. Use Recall Knowledge to learn about the enemy and stack on the debuffs and bonuses (such as Demoralize and flanking). Success: The target gains enfeebled 1. I actually hadn't considered that, I don't really see why that needed to be. 11. Whenever you would take that type of damage, increase the damage you take by the value of the weakness. When the result of your attack roll with a weapon or unarmed attack equals or exceeds your target’s AC, you hit your target! Roll the weapon or unarmed attack’s damage die and add the relevant modifiers, bonuses, and penalties to determine the amount of damage you deal. They told you there was no way that explosions could heal people, but they were fools…. Published Aug 5, 2021. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. 304 4. You can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Communal Tale Feat 10. I find that +2 monsters or two on level monsters present good fast encounters to slot into the game that can still drain resources. g. Heightened (3rd) You can target up to five creatures. 283 4. Prerequisites Duelist Dedication, or Dandy Dedication. Free actions don’t require you to spend any of your three single actions or your reaction. Ogre. 0. 258 4. 0 You're lying on the ground. 455 4. You always take the greatest value modifier. Peace Vulnerability A vrock’s wrath is. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6. You immediately move your initiative position directly before the creature or effect that reduced you to 0 hp. P2e's scaling math and increased crit range mean that higher level monsters are very dangerous, a single +3 monster presents a damned tough fight that could easily kill a player or two. Concentrate. The Swashbuckler is a very exciting take on non-magical combat in Pathfinder, which can become a boring war of attrition between stat blocks. The level of a skill feat is typically the minimum level at which a character could meet its proficiency prerequisite. Also, since Terrifying Howl does specifically state a shorter immunity time from demoralize, that immunity time of 1 minute is used in place of the 10 minutes listed under the basic demoralize action. 0. 243 4. You must select Wellspring Mage Dedication as your 2nd-level class feat. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. 0. So, technically you should have 10' reach as a large (tall) creature. 그렇기에 일부 사람들 사이에서 P2E 개념이 나오기 이전의 디아블로3 의 경매장 사례는 물론 함께. The idea is that multiple Barbarians can't use Terrifying Howl within the same 1 minute window. 3. Those feats usually give you extra attacks, precision or damage. Point Ellice Bridge disaster. As a pirate, you sail the seas in search of enemy ships to plunder. 1 PFS Note Eidolons are not PCs, so they do not count as PCs for effects that scale based on the number of PCs or players. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Compare the result to the difficulty class (DC). Enables Demoralize and spell casters that want to target Will. At 6th level, choose a second skill to gain a +1 potency bonus. 0. Use Recall Knowledge to learn about the enemy and stack on the debuffs and bonuses (such as Demoralize and flanking). Most notably, you’ll use Interact, Step, Stride, and Strike a great deal. Take the DC from Table 1. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language. Source Core Rulebook pg. 1. 7% chance of scaring an adult red dragon to death in two actions. I actually hadn't considered that, I don't really see why that needed to be. When your new campaign starts at a higher level, a new player joins an existing group, or a current player’s character dies and they need a new one, your campaign will have one or more PCs who don’t start at 1st level. Where typical characters are built for delving dungeons, slaying dragons, and facing the worsts horrors of the multiverse, the Investigator is a much more methodical class, built around finding clues, following leads, and investigating subjects. You can also be a good combat medic, setup with aid actions, or even raise a shield if you don't use a 2 handed weapon or have the cantrip. Bon Mot [one-action] Feat 1. That’s awesome work, thanks! The weaknesses count definitely helps balance a bit the resistance & immunity count against fire. Versatile Performance Feat 1. 6 fire seeds, tangling creepers, dragon form (for burrowing and flying) 7 control sand, unfettered pack, volcanic. It hasn't come up for my group yet, but may in the future. Choose one creature, object, spell effect, hazard, or other impediment imposing any of those conditions on you. If I didn't have to move, a second Strike is still a decent chance to hit. Critical Success The target suffers no adverse effects and is temporarily immune for 1 week. A hostile action is one that can harm or damage another creature, whether directly or indirectly, but not one that a creature is unaware could cause harm. Below you’ll find specifics on how to run certain types of initiative or deal with problems. Im starting a new campaign soon and i wanted to make my charactee around the different charisma skills debuffs (bon mot, feint, demoralize) but its likely that the campaign will feature a lot of 1vs1 combats, so im conflicted with the fact that demoralize effect last for effectively 1 round (2 if crit) and the target is inmune for 10 minutes afterwards. 6. Add PDF $9. Toolbearer opens for a lot of flavor (like being proficient in Architecture Lore and have your familiar carry a trowel), but they can also wear things as Thieve's Tools, Firearm Cleaning Kit or Disguise Kits. This increase resets after 1 hour has passed. 17 4. Most arthropods have a starting attitude of indifferent to mitflits. Spell 2. On May 26,. Feat 7. Conditions. I just did a search of 2e. Source Core Rulebook pg. This minion would have the Mature/Valet ability that lets it take 1 action at the end of. 214), as granted by certain classes and archetypes, work differently. Certain feats, class features, weapon runes, and other effects can grant you additional benefits when you make a Strike with. At the end of the conversation, attempt an Intimidation check against the target's Will DC, modified by any circumstances the GM. 6. Confused. You can Demoralize with the Intimidate skill to temporarily frighten them (and basically give a universal -1 debuff to everything, including AC), pick up the Bon Mot skill feat and use Diplomacy to hurl witty insults to lower their Will Save and Perception (and if they want to end that, they have to end anything they are concentrating on!) like. To be bad a 2nd Edition you almost have to be deliberately building towards that. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the. 637 4. Most arthropods have a starting attitude of indifferent to. Accessed via macros in the compendium, and if certain settings are enabled, they will be automatically calculated and/or removed when the actor's turn has finished. Death and Dying: Doomed, Dying, Unconscious, Wounded. Using demoralize on the same creature only extends the duration; it does not create a stronger fear condition. 38. Gave me a thought about how to justify the spell thing, and my basic idea is "a creature resisting a spell disrupts the weave of magic enough that fragile spells, such as lower level invisibility, break and fail due to the pressure put on the caster. You don't have your wits about you, and you attack wildly. Tyler has a long-standing love for building characters and for game mechanics, and brings that enthusiasm to everything he creates. This increases to two dice if the. Source Core Rulebook pg. As such, every creature can use basic actions except in some extreme circumstances, and many of those actions are used very frequently. 228 1. Vermin Empathy Mitflits can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on and Request things of arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs, and similar invertebrate animals). Shove: Shove reach. General Skill. DC of the spell + spell level. Choose either electricity or fire when you gain this feat. What 'DnD-isms' do I need to drop before playing P2e?STEP 3: Crafting Skill Check. When you take Rush Crafting, you have to decide on your approach to the job, from Trained to Legendary, which is limited by your proficiency. Although they prefer to vent their violent urges on smaller humanoids— the smaller and more. For instance, if you are dealt 2d6 fire damage and have weakness 5 to fire, you take 2d6+5. Source Core Rulebook pg. Class Feat: Brutal Beating (crit enemy becomes frightened 1) Skill Increase: Expert Intimidation. Nine drops to seven if you don't count composite and regular bows as separate weapons (since they're essentially the same). ago. There's a lot of conditions that can be applied to enemies and many ways to apply these conditions, so take a look through them and see which ones might be. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. Reactions in Encounters. Attempt an Intimidation check with a +2 circumstance bonus to Demoralize a single creature that you can see and that can see you. A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round. With the slurk’s natural ability to climb walls and cling effortlessly to ceilings, it can be easy for unwary cave explorers to end up on the wrong end of the beast’s formidable ivory tusks. It's no secret the math is tight, so every -1/+1 makes a big difference. Your character’s expertise in a skill comes from several sources. 83K Members. If they detect the bat, they can Point Out the bat to their allies, otherwise it remains Hidden and Undetected to them. The Rogue is the unchallenged master of skills, but their capabilities don’t end there. This makes some level of sense from a roleplaying perspective but in terms of game design it isn't all that fun or sensible. Demoralize, Grim Swagger, Screaming Skull Coward's Roots Dread, Dread Ampoule, Dread Blindfold, Dread Helm, Fear Gem, Fearsome, Ghost Ampoule, Hex Blaster, Owlbear Egg, Terrifying Ammunition, Wand of Dumbfounding Doom Dark. As prepared caster you can only expend 1 spell slot to increase staff charges. 94K subscribers Subscribe 4. Access You are a member of the. Reload options like Demoralize on Reload can make even that better. 247 4. (Nearly) guaranteed 2 Strikes per round, usually 3 and frequently 4 or can use one action to Demoralize and 3 attacks; Level 14 Druid Multiclass Polymorph Monk [aDPR 81(91)] Wild Shapes into a Huge (animal, chose Snake) with unarmed Fang attack (Master Proficiency) for 4d4+10 damage and 1d6 poison damage (average 23 damage)Intimidating Glare. Source Core Rulebook pg. Token Mold. Its has plenty of supporting feats for the playstyle so it can really lean in and utilize it the most. The target can’t be more than one size larger than you. Access Members of the Firebrands at the rank of second mark or higher have access to this feat. The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. The following creature abilities are listed here because they are shared by many creatures or are highly complex. Multiclass options often go un-sung in Pathfinder 2e, so let's talk about them! Which ones are the BEST for each individual class in the game?Check out my ne. Flashing Spark, Iron Sweep Adze, Axe. Traps have a trait to indicate whether they're magical or mechanical. 0. You can’t Ready a free action that already has a trigger. 99 $11. At 13th level, increase the potency bonus of your second skill to +2 and choose a third skill to gain a +1 potency bonus. Also known as “duck-billed dinosaurs” due to the unusual shape of their jaws, hadrosaurids are lumbering creatures that can rival an elephant for size, although they tend to be much less. 0. Source Core Rulebook pg. casting a spell on an unwilling creature is always hostile; everything else is up to the GM imo. Source Core Rulebook pg. Demoralize and Scare to Death are separate effects. Wish / Miracle types spells which allow for more free-form effects are the. Standing 10 feet tall and densely muscled, ogres are as strong as they are cruel. Large (tall) creatures have an inherent reach of 10. The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. On a failure, a creature becomes frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical. But the main factor is having a strong personality and a threatening demeanor. Introduction. Instructions on how to install can be found here. The following general rules are used to understand and apply effects. Animals generally don’t want to fight if they can avoid it. Reload options like Demoralize on Reload can make even that better. Persistent damage comes from effects like acid, being on fire, or many other situations. Extra animals simply linger conveniently off-screen and can be. If you use two actions it increases to 30 ft range (just like soothe) and heals 1d8 + 8 per spell level. You become trained in Sailing Lore, or become an expert in it if you were already trained. Shadow Hound Uncommon Source Secrets of Magic pg. 262 4. Gunslinger Ways. Source Core Rulebook pg. First thing they’ll do is try to scare (demoralize) whatever surprised them. With the Dragon Eidolon, you're often locked into doing 2A stuff on your turn - either casting a 2A spell from the summoner, or using one of the two 2A abilities the eidolon has (Breath Weapon/Draconic Frenzy). Accessed via macros in the compendium, and if certain settings are enabled, they will be automatically calculated and/or removed when the actor's. If you’re dying, you must attempt a recovery check at the start of your turn each round to determine whether you get better or worse. It seems like they ommitted surprise rounds because they're not needed due to how initiative works now.